Global pandemic have you thinking?

Health Wellness

In the midst of a global pandemic, what have we learned?

Many things apparently . . .

FIrstly, of course my heart goes out to all those affected by this global pandemic. Friends, families, children of those who lost the battle with this disease and to hospital staff, medical workers from around the world who are on the front lines trying to combat this silent killer and get us all back to the new normalcy we will have after Clovid19. We have not experienced anything like this in our lifetime and hopefully we will not again because we have learned.

So what have we learned.

  1. What happens in one part of the world DOES affect us all.
  2. No one is prepared for something like this, especially those that are suppose to be.
  3. When the world stops so does our money.
  4. Our health is important because how we have BEEN taking care of ourselves can mean life or death. 

Let’s get real. We know already not taking care of yourself increases the odds of being in a life or death health situation period BUT in the case of a viral global pandemic, moreso.  If your lifestyle has made you sick with one of the many diseases or conditions related to bad lifestyle choices, your odds of dying from this viral pandemic are increased ALOT.  Literally that is the target group for this particular virus. So needless to say our health has been at the forefront of our attention and conversation lately because it is the topic of conversation everywhere on the media; health this and that.  So we can’t NOT think about our health, right? 

On many social media outlets, what is trending is people talking about exercise this, fitness that and have bought all the online exercise equipment. People are working out via the many NOW AVAILABLE online options which is great! FANTASTIC EVEN! Seems like everyone is trying to improve their health and get fit ASAP.  Of course there is the other side of the spectrum which are those who just sit around play cards and drink ALL DAY, passing the time; which is fine too. Your life but we all know this is not a healthy habit, global pandemic or not.

Our health? What are you doing to protect yourself against another virus? Do you think this virus is over? Is it a possibility this virus can return in the winter time, in just a few months and do more damage? YES the probability is high and many of those that know more about infectious diseases believe this is highly likely to return this inter season.

SO let me ask again, what are you doing to protect yourself against another outbreak? If you are doing nothing, hopefully you are thinking about doing something soon at least. As far as what to do, that’s where we professionals come in to help. That is our purpose. Personal training is not just about getting the young and capable in shape for their beach vacations. Personal “health and fitness” training is about helping people find a well rounded plan of exercise, nutrition, yoga and recovery (sleep and meditation because the mind needs help too) that is sustainable and works with all the variables of your life.

So if you are waiting until the dust finally settles, I totally understand. One battle at a time. Especially if your situation is similar to mine, small business owner, single mother, etc. we are looking for ways to survive in the present moment. BUT if you are waiting and have lots of extra time on your hands, it is the perfect opportunity to start something new.

NO matter if you have a gym to train or not. That is irrelevant. Your health and fitness should not rely on a gym. You should have options available so you always succeed. YOU, right now, have many places where you can begin to change. The biggest one if your nutrition. Let’s learn some sound, sustainable better eating habits in order to you can turn your life around and support good health. The bonus is you can do it from your home via online.

For more detailed nutrition info, visit FIT Appeal’s ProCoach nutrition page.

TO “SIGN ME UP!” for FIT Appeal’s ProCoach 12 month better eating habits curriculum, choose below:
  • 39$ a month, 9$ a week if you go month to month –
  • 365$ in full, 7$ a week (save 103$) –

(Note: The program is 12 months long and will expire then. After 12 months you will have the knowledge needed to succeed with nutrition for a lifetime. If you are interested in the corresponding 12 month exercise program which will give you tools to succeed with exercise for a lifetime as well. The best results are when both are completed together.)

For BOTH ProCoach and Fitness together, please check out our F.A.S.T Online Program! Click HERE for more information!

As always thank you for reading,

Coach Tanya

Now if you need to add exercise, which can also be done online and at home, please contact us, . We have solutions for you!