CLIENT: I am ready to get into shape. I will do whatever I need to do because i want to feel better. I want to eat better. I want to lose body fat and build some muscle. I want to completely change my body and health.
TRAINER: Great! I’m glad to hear you are ready and willing to do what is needed to get healthier. Ok let’s start with your food. Let’s break up your meals into 3-4 smaller complete meals throughout the day. Reduce starch and processed foods etc etc (trainer continues with a few more changes)
CLIENT: Let’s do it!
CLIENT: I just can’t eat 3-4 meals a day, I can’t give up my processed food because it’s easier. And water, I don’t have time to drink water. etc etc etc
TRAINER: (Inside voice) . But you said you were ready.
This is a common story in the fitness world. Client wants change then tries to do everything all at once because they believe that is the way it is. Client then hires trainer, trainer offers the full plan for the client to achieve their goals because that is what he/she was hired for and then reality sets in for the client.
THEN . . .
CLIENT: I just can’t do it. . .
So how can a trainer help in this situation?
TRAINER: I understand it is a lot to change all at once. Let’s try a different approach. Slower, more strategic and 1 habit at a time.
This is the better approach, a slower addition of healthier habits which ends up with a sustainable fitness plan with long lasting results.
Sounds good doesn’t it?
We are still stuck in our Chairs
So why aren’t more people eating healthier, reducing lifestyle diseases and getting more fit? Well if you consider the world today as in right now Oct 2020, we are still in a pandemic. People are tired , there is indifference and some are still in denial and I am sure many other personal reasons.
BUT prior to Covid, technology played a huge factor by reducing our activity level, medicine has options to reduce symptoms to stop some lifestyle diseases from progressing. So out of convenience or a general dislike for exercise and a dislike for discipline in food choices, taking a pill is winning. PLUS, just life in its’ daily grind of work, family and self needs, if you find time for self, is definitely not enough. Life can be overwhelming enough that learning or adding one more thing onto your day can be a breaking point.
The Questions you should Ask
Across the board, you have to step back and ask yourself the question, is my health important? Would my family benefit from me spending time working on my health? No family, ok, would my work and bank account benefit more if I am able to work at my most optimal level? Will I succeed at Life in its’ entirety aka the long haul, if I focus energy on my health?
There is always just one answer and it is YES. If you have a family, then the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle seep down into your spouse and children’s lives as well. Then EVERYONE gets something out of what you are doing. You would be passing down important information on a better option to live by caring for your health just as important as taking care of your home, your car, your finances, your education, etc. A healthy lifestyle is important for the long haul of Life.
The healthier any person is the better worker they will be. Less sick, more productive, etc. Nothing new there.
The more we do right by our bodies with nutrition and exercise and do right by our minds by learning to manage our minds and reducing any potential harm from emotional distress, we will live longer than if we were to treat our bodies and minds with discard.
Get Help
If yes is the answer to those questions, then what’s next? You always have the option to search for information on your own, to which you will find much information OR hire a health and fitness professional. Let them look at the whole picture of your life, find where you have limiting factors, and then find solutions for you to achieve the goal and start moving down a path of health and fitness.
Sometimes we need help to find the long lasting change that has been eluding us and we have been wanting or thinking about for so long.
The time is now and we can help.
I am hoping this Pandemic has taught us something about our health and how important it is and how we need to be better and get out of our chairs.
. . . as I sit here in a chair to write this blog LOL . . well you get the point 🙂
Thank you for reading,
Coach Tanya